BPF is dedicated to the protection of your staff and property, we are experienced,professional and affordable.

All of our staff hold the relevant licences, with the relevant licence classes, they all hold current first aid certificates,and RSA competency cards, additionally all staff undertake regular in house training.

We protect our clients premises 24/7 365 days a year!

Alarm monitoring doesn’t just allow the client peace of mind when the premises is unoccupied after hours, but we can also monitor duress and hold up alarms, deadman alarms for isolated workers, also insurance companies prefer if a premises has back to base monitoring, but more importantly it is very affordable and effective way to protect your premises.

Yes we do, we can design and install a fully integrated, affordable system at your residence or commercial premises

Most councils now require hall users to employ a security company to provide guards if hiring their venues, also if there is alcohol or the threat of unwanted guests (gatecrashers).